Baby Animal Names

A cat baby is called kitten, a dog baby is called puppy, but what is elephant baby called? This table below helps you finding the names of your favorite baby animal.

Name Male Female Young Group

Alligator Bull Cow Hatchling Congregation, pod (of young)

Ape Male Female Baby Shrewdness

Bat Male Female Pup Colony

Bear Boar Sow Cub Sleuth, sloth

Beaver - - Pup, kitten Colony

Bison Bull Cow Calf Gang, herd,  obstinacy

Camel Bull Cow Calf Flock

Cat Tomcat Queen Kitten Clutter, clowder, litter, kindle

Cattle Bull Cow Calf Drift, drove, herd, mob

Cheetah Male Female Cub Coalition

Chicken Rooster Hen Chick Flock

Deer Buck, stag Doe Fawn Herd, mob

Dog Dog Bitch Pup Litter

Dolphin Bull Cow Pup, calf Herd, pod, school

Donkey Jack, jackass Jennet, jenny Colt, foal Drove, herd

Duck Drake Duck Duckling Badelynge, brace, bunch, raft

Elephant Bull Cow Calf Herd, parade

Fox Reynard, dog,    tod Vixen Kit, cub, pup Skulk, leash

Giraffe Bull Doe Calf Herd

Goat Buck, billy Doe, nanny Kid, billy Herd, tribe, trip

Gorilla Male Female Infant Band

Guinea pig Boar Sow Pup Group

Hamster Buck Doe Pup Horde

Hedgehog Boar Sow Piglet, pup Array

Hippopotamus Bull Cow Calf Herd, bloat

Horse Stallion, stud Mare, dam Foal Stable, harras, herd

Kangaroo Buck, boomer, jack Doe, flyer, jill,     roo Joey Troop, herd, mob

Koala Male Female Joey -

Leopard Leopard Leopardess Cub Leap, prowl

Lion Lion Lioness Cub Pride

Llama - - Cria Herd

Monkey Male Female Infant Troop, cartload

Mouse Buck Doe Pup, pinkie,     kitten Horde, mischief

Panda Boar Sow Cub -

Penguin Male Female Chick Rookery

Pig Boar Sow Piglet, shoat,  farrow Drove, herd, sounder

Platypus - - Puggle -

Rabbit Buck Doe Kitten, bunny,      kit Colony, drove, leash

Rhinoceros Bull Cow Calf Crash

Seal Bull Cow Pup Herd, pod, rookery, harem

Shark Bull Female Pup School, shiver

Sheep Buck, ram Ewe, dam Lamb, lambkin, cosset Drift, drove, flock

Skunk - - Kit Surfeit

Squirrel Buck Doe Pup, kitten, kit Dray

Swan Cob Pen Cygnet, flapper Bevy, herd

Tiger Tiger Tigress Cub, whelp Ambush, streak

Turtle Male Female Hatchling Bale

Wolf Dog Bitch Pup, whelp Pack, rout

Zebra Stallion Mare Colt, foal Herd, crossing

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