
Friendship between animal and human

Some wonderful pictures of friendship between people and animal.

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

friendship, human and animal

1 comment:

  1. Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
    Albert Einstein
