
Calgary Zoo's Gorilla Shows Off Her Impressive Break-dancing Moves

A nine year old female gorilla has become the latest internet video star after her break-dancing video posted on Youtube. Zola is a resident at Calgary Zoo, Canada. The Calgary Zoo posted break-dancing Zola's video on YouTube and their Facebook page of Zola on June 17. Within 72 hours, the video had been viewed more than 15,000 times.
His current keepers says that Zola loves to play in water and keepers regularly give him the opportunity to do so as part of the enrichment activities they plan and vary on a daily basis.
Watch the video!

Source: Daily Mail

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious! I wonder how viral the video will go? I noticed that more hits are understandably in Canada but it's so funny I wonder how long it will take the video to spread to the states and the rest of the world?
