
Dog Rescued from Sea after 3 Weeks in Japan

The Japanese coastguards have rescued a dog from the roof of house that washed out to the sea by tsunami three weeks ago. Check the video out, it's truly amazing!!


  1. An Amazing dog survival story.

    I cant imagine what it was thinking as 'he' floated out to sea. Not eating for 3 weeks and no companionship must of been so hard. its a great story - thanks for the video!

  2. I watched the dog video above, along with a lot of the tv broadcasts here in Australia since the tsunami.

    I can fully imagine that dog sitting on top of the roof of the house as the whole house was swept away by the wall of water.

    I don't know if my dogs would be smart enough to get up on a roof (they are often a bit impaired in the intelligence department)... but if they could, they would probably behave just like this dog - making a bit of trouble for anyone trying to rescue them, hiding from that guy, etc.

    I thought it was funny watching the guy trying to rescue the dog, having to look under the roof when it ran away... but what an amount of money they spent on the rescue! To send a helicopter out to see and have it run out of fuel must cost thousands of dollars.

    That is one lucky dog.

  3. Amazing story. That dog was walking on the roof of the house floating out at sea. Must have run up there somehow when the tidal wave first came.
